The Right Escape by Hajra A. Shaikh book

P. C Tahoora Hashmi

On a random day, I came across a post on Instagram about a zine. The person was selling it for 110/-₹. I never knew what a zine was so I was desperate to know what it is. It kinda looked like a book. I was ready to spend my money on it. So I got it. I read the whole of it. I loved it. I also posted about it on my Instagram as well.

@shobhit.narang says, “basically, I write words. They revolve around my life but are disguised.” The right foot is based on relationships with oneself and others around. It is a collection of thoughts, poems, micro tales, letters, and conversations. One thing I liked most about this zine was that @shobhit.narang reflects upon the art of surrendering. And another thing that I liked is the quote in the picture above. So much relatable in our situations, isn’t it?

The post.

So how did I start with my zine?

That is the question right? I had been writing small pieces since 2015. I have been trying to write a novel, but that seems to take quite more time for me. I lack consistency. We writers are all the same right?

I wrote pieces here and there. Lot of them were on my Instagram handle and on my notes. So I had to collect it in the word document.

Initially, my idea was to publish it. But then, you see, I didn’t have thousands of money to spend on publishers and then even if I did, I would have no royalty in my hand. I did a research on how the publications work and stuff. They charge a lot. A lot. I still want to publish my works, but just not now. I am working for it.

Owning a zine did give me the courage to create one for myself too. I was very excited to start with it. I wrote around hundred pieces. But the editing part was quite exasperating. It has some letters to self and others. Some poems here and there. Some small pieces and prose. The title of the zine is very meaningful to me. It is, “The Right Escape” because it is based on the process of falling in love, falling apart, and healing.

It takes a lot of courage and confidence to hand your heart to people out there. You don’t know how would readers respond. But when I held the first print, I was at peace. I just moved ahead. And I had to. The whole purpose of this zine was to put my works in front of my audience. And it has been a journey of growth ever since.

These zines are self-published. I print them at home.

Here’s how it looks like.

I make these zines by myself.  And manually pack it up and ship it. The cost of the zine is 150 Indian rupees excl. the shipping charges. If you live in Mumbai, it is 200 incl. shipping charges. And it is 250 overall India.

Here are some readers who clicked pictures with my zines.

If you are willing to have one for yourself, or for your friend, you can always leave a comment here. Or reach me out on my Instagram handle.

Thank you for reading the story of my zine. I will be updating a post about how to make a zine very soon.

I would love to know how are you guys doing!!

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